All Board members are non-executive members, and one member is a customer. Members are recruited for their knowledge, skills and lived experience of social housing.  They come from a diverse range of backgrounds, and we promote diversity to ensure members reflect the communities we serve.  

The Board has adopted the National Housing Federation Code of Governance 2020 and Code of Conduct to ensure accountability, integrity, openness, and equality, diversity, and inclusion. The code is closely linked to our commitment to be accountable to customers and involve them to ensure they are at the heart of strategic decision-making. Every year we review the effectiveness of the Board and have development and succession plans in place so we maintain the highest standard of governance. 

Three committees support the Board, the Governance and Remuneration Committee, the Audit Committee, and the Development Committee. The Board meet at least six times a year, and the committees meet every three months.  

We have a separate Residents Scrutiny Panel that gives customers the power to scrutinise our work and hold us to account at the highest level. They review our services and make recommendations to the Board for how we can improve. 

Sasha Deepwell leaning on a wall

As Chief Executive I report directly to the board and lead the Strategic Leadership Team in delivering of our corporate plan and directing our operations.

Sasha Deepwell - Chief Executive

Highest rating

G 1

We have the highest rating for governance – G1.

Our board

100 %

100% of board are non-executive members.

our board structure

Over the past 12 months, our Board has:

Calculator next to a laptop with letters on the desk

Reviewed our performance and finances so we can achieve our future plans.

Irwell Valley Employee in a hi vis and hard hat checking the Dry Riser Outlet

Adopted building and fire safety regulations and approved works to keep residents safe.

Three Irwell Valley Employees looking at a construction plan

Agreed our risk map so we mitigate and manage key risks.

Four people having a business meeting

Discussed our financial capacity and treasury management, including going out to market for additional funding.

Two Irwell Valley Employees in hard hats and Hi-Vis jackets

Approved the development of new homes. 

Members are paid for time and expertise they bring to the running of the Association, and in recognition of the responsibility that being a board member attracts. The amount of payment they received is externally reviewed and regularly market tested. 

Last reviewed in 2018, our Board Members are rewarded as follows:  

  • Chair of Board of Management £15,000  
  • Vice Chair and Chair of Audit Committee - £10,800  
  • Chair of Development Committee £8,500  
  • Chair of Governance & Remuneration £8,500  
  • Board member £5,500  

Board members who sit on the Board of our subsidiaries receive an additional £500 in recognition of the added responsibility and time commitment.   


Meet the team

To meet our Board click here.

To meet our Strategic Leadership Team click here.