It is made up of customers from across Greater Manchester who meet every six weeks to scrutinise the latest performance and survey data.

Their work also includes meeting with heads of service to discuss issues or trends which the data uncovers and share insight and ideas on how to improve.

What we do

  • Analyse company performance data

  • Review customer survey feedback

  • Monitor and scrutinise the Tenant Satisfaction Measures

  • Meet with heads of service to discuss issues and trends

  • Share insight and ideas for improvement

The Customer Standards Group is an important platform, affording customers the opportunity to become involved, make an impact and challenge Irwell Valley Homes to think differently in order to improve and develop their services for the benefit of all its customers. The panel members, who are a diverse group of customers, monitor progress and performance to identify any potential issues and Irwell Valley Homes with ongoing constructive feedback.

Chris, Customer Standards Group member

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