What is abusive behaviour?
Domestic abuse, or domestic violence, is any incident of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of their gender or sexuality.
‘Abusive behaviour’ is defined in the act as any of the following:
- Physical or sexual abuse.
- Violent or threatening behaviour.
- Controlling or coercive behaviour.
- Economic abuse.
- Psychological, emotional or other abuse.
We can help
We can provide advice, support and help to customers experiencing domestic abuse. This can be practical help, rehousing advice and financial support.
We will work with, and make referrals to, partner agencies to minimise and manage the risk to victims.
We can also help to make your home safer by adding additional security to your property.
Please contact us if you need our help.
Report domestic abuse to us
You can report domestic abuse to us:
By telephone on 0300 561 1111
By email to contact@irwellvalley.co.uk
Via the Irwell Valley App
Other organisations who can help
Women’s Domestic Abuse Helpline
Helpline: 0800 254 0909.
Women's Aid
Including their Domestic Abuse Directory: www.womensaid.org.uk/domestic-abuse-directory
And their Survivor's Handbook;
Victim Support
National Centre for Domestic Violence
Government Advice
Respect (for male victims of domestic abuse)
Stonewall (specialist help for LGBTQ+ victims)
Men's Advice Line
Mankind (specialist help for male victims of domestic abuse)
LGBT Domestic Abuse Partnership
End the Fear
Download the Brightsky App
Brightsky is an app and website offering practical support and information around how to respond to domestic abuse.
It is for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else.
For more information, click here.
Modern day slavery
Modern slavery is the illegal exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain and covers all forms of slavery, human trafficking, and exploitation including sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced labour, criminal exploitation and organ harvesting. Victims can be any age, gender, nationality, and ethnicity. It is a complex and often hidden crime.
A form of modern slavery which is closely linked to housing is ‘cuckooing”. This is where drug dealers take control of the victim’s home to carry out illegal activities. The criminals target vulnerable children and adults who are often exposed to physical, mental and sexual abuse. In some instances they will be trafficked to areas away from home as part of the drug dealing network's – often referred to as ‘County Lines’.
If you have any concerns or suspicions of incidents of modern slavery or human trafficking in your community, you can report this to your Neighbourhood Officer who will investigate it further.
In the event of a serious concern requiring an immediate emergency response, colleagues may also contact the police direct by calling 999. They may also contact the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121700 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.