Here’s how we’re getting there!  

We maximise our impact and investment by accessing funding for sustainable improvements and working with organisations who share our green ambitions and who are committed to making a difference. 


  • One of our dark brick properties with a black front door

    We make homes more efficient and environmentally friendly


    We use renewable energy in all communal areas of our homes.


    Using modern methods of construction and green technologies we are building new efficient homes that are kinder to the environment. In our current development programme, we are using panelised systems, mechanical heat recovery systems, air source heat pumps, green roofs, photovoltaic panels, and installed electric vehicle charging points. 


    But building new homes is the easy bit. Over 85% of our carbon footprint comes from our existing homes. The real challenge is making these more environmentally friendly. 


    The future homes standard will be introduced in 2025 and will require homes to have low carbon heating and improved energy efficiency ratings. We’ve started this work, securing government funding to install external wall insulation to properties with lower EPC ratings, and we’re working with partners on a joint approach to meeting the new standard. 


    Our new eco homes are kind to the environment and more affordable to run. 

  • The Soapworks office with its reflection in the water

    We promote greener ways of working


    In 2019 we transformed how we work to provide better services to customers, reduce our carbon production and our costs, plus support colleagues to improve their performance and achieve a good work-life balance. 


    We consolidated three offices and moved to a new workspace in Salford - reducing our office footprint by over 15,000 square feet. We introduced environmentally friendly waste management systems and switched to a renewable energy provider.  Three community hubs were created to provide services and support within communities - reducing travel for colleagues and customers. We also introduced agile working and support colleagues to work from home to support a good work-life balance and further reduce emissions. 


    By 2029 our new ways of working are predicted to reduce our carbon footprint by over 40%, save £1.3million, and realise substantial operational efficiencies.


    We are working towards all our vans being electric by 2026 and we have a green car and a bike scheme for colleagues which offers tax and national insurance savings to encourage take up. 

  • Woman with sunshine on her face standing on her phone in the tram

    We support people to reduce their carbon footprint


    Our colleague environmental group drive forward ideas and champion change across the business. Colleagues from the group, and our strategic leadership team have undertaken carbon literacy training and we are rolling this out to other colleagues. 


    We support customers to reduce their energy consumption – providing information when we visit them and helping them to set up their heating systems, so they are most efficient. 


    Our procurement tendering also has weightings around environmental impact, so that we work with those who share our environmental ambitions.  

  • Irwell Valley Employee in Hi vis doing the gardening

    We invest in environmental improvements and increasing biodiversity


    To counteract our carbon production, we invest in environmental improvements in local communities. Our tree planting programme is increasing numbers, and by installing wildflower beds and moss in green spaces we are reducing grass cutting and lowering our carbon footprint. 


    Last year we cleared 375 reports of fly tipping and hosted community clean up events with the waste disposed of using environmentally friendly waste management systems. Through our charitable foundation we also support environmental projects such as river clearing, community gardening projects and litter picking groups. 

We’ve secured £995,000 from The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’, to create green spaces that support wellbeing, biodiversity and mitigate the impact of climate change on one of our largest estates. This includes a natural play strategy, new seating areas, extensive tree and hedge planting, improved drainage, habitat enhancements and a community horticulture programme.