We want our customers to live well and enjoy life, but understand there can be barriers which hold them back.

All Irwell Valley Homes customers can apply for a personal grant up to £5,000 to pay for things that remove these barriers so they can get on in life. This includes:  

  • Training or college courses. 
  • Books or equipment needed for your studies. 
  • Uniform you need for work. 
  • Tools or equipment you need for work. 
  • Suitable clothes for an interview. 
  • Child care whilst you study or work. 
  • Transport to work or college (for a maximum period of 12 months). 
  • Support to set up a business. 



Woman filling her car boot with cleaning products

"We supported Colette to set up a cleaning business. With funding from the Irwell Valley Foundation she was able to buy uniform, cleaning equipment and a laptop to get her business off the ground."

Enhancing and supporting communities

The foundation helps to bring people together and supports them to live well in the communities we serve across Greater Manchester. 

From computer classes to lunch clubs, there are many ways we can work with you and your group to get a project off the ground, or enhance the great work already being done.  

We’re really keen to hear about groups responding to address a specific need, for example a support programme to help with the current cost of living crisis. 

Community groups and organisations can make a grant application of up to £10,000 to fund their work. Projects or groups could include: 

  • Supporting people into employment or training.  
  • Helping people to manage their money and deal with debt. 
  • Supporting people to get online and access digital services. 
  • Creating opportunities for young people. 
  • Promoting health and wellbeing. 
  • Combating loneliness and social isolation.  
  • Supporting ethnic minority communities.  
  • Supporting older people and those who are vulnerable or isolated.  
  • Helping with food and other daily essentials. 
  • Supporting those affected by domestic violence. 


Man and Woman working in the Café

Home cooked meals and a space to make friends.

The Strictly Lunch Club at our Sunshine Café in Sale West offers a place for older and more isolated members of the community to come together over a home-cooked meal. The Irwell Valley Foundation helps to fund the club, meaning people can enjoy a two-course hot lunch with a drink for just £2.50. Strictly Lunch regular Colin said: “Coming here is something to look forward to – something to break up the week. And the food is excellent – both in quality and value.”