IVH Accordion Image Chepstow

We have completed 79 affordable new homes as part of the first phase of the regeneration work. This includes a mix of two, three and four-bedroom houses, plus some 2-bedroom apartments for rent.  

We were delighted to offer some of the homes to families already living on the estate who had outgrown their previous homes, enabling them to stay in their local community.

The new homes are energy efficient and benefit from high quality insulation and water saving systems, as well as electric vehicle charging points. These will help to save residents' money whilst also being kinder to the environment. 

Rebecca Bates moved from a one-bedroomed apartment on the estate to a two-bedroomed house with a garden which she says was ‘life-changing’ for her and her two young daughters.
“They were so excited to get their own bedroom, and they absolutely love being outdoors, so the garden is great.
“Knowing I can just open the doors and they can be safe outside in their own space means the world to me. This is the new start we’ve all been looking forward to. I'm looking forward to making new memories together here.”

As part of Phase 1, the new road will link Epsom Avenue to Hurst Avenue and it has been named Hamilton Avenue, after another famous UK racecourse. We are in the process of planting up the swale and carrying out other landscaping works in this area.  Swales are one of the oldest and most common forms of urban drainage and stormwater. Swale drains also have a role in the maintenance of natural landscapes, to control how water is directed and prevent flooding.

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Following further consultation with residents we submitted plans for the second phase of works. This followed the outline planning permission which had previously been granted by Trafford Council.

Detailed planning permission was granted in November 2022 for 22 one and two-bedroom apartments and two-bedroom houses and work on site began in March 2023.  This phase also includes several accessible ready homes, which are in short supply in Trafford.

These homes are moving along at an exciting pace and we are looking to have these homes ready to live in between May and August 2024.

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We continue to carry out site investigations across the estate to help us with the early stages of Phase 3 of the regeneration of Sale West. This is the area near to the Sale West Park and the Phoenix Gardens.  They will both be staying put and the allotments will too – although they are moving slightly more towards Ascot Avenue.

Phase 3 will be an exciting development with a mix of general let properties and accommodation geared towards older people and specialist housing.

We will also be looking at the opening of the road between Ascot Avenue and Chepstow Avenue in this phase, as well opening the road layout between Thirsk Avenue and Chepstow Avenue and continuing Thirsk Avenue into the car park at the top of Newbury Avenue.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Community Consultation events in September 2023 and February 2024 and took the time to fill in our online consultation form. The feedback from residents has helped to shape the plans submitted to Trafford Council for approval.

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If you are already an Irwell Valley Homes tenant, request a transfer; find out more here. You should also register with Trafford Council’s housing service here. 

If you aren't an Irwell Valley Homers Customer, please register with Trafford Council’s housing service here. 


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