The outcomes we must achieve as part of this standard are:
- Allocations and lettings - We must allocate and let our homes in a fair and transparent way that takes the needs of tenants and prospective tenants into account.
- Tenancy sustainment and evictions - We must co-operate with relevant partners to promote social, environmental and economic wellbeing in the areas where we provide social housing.
- Tenure - We shall offer tenancies or terms of occupation which are compatible with the purpose of the accommodation, the needs of individual households, the sustainability of the community, and the efficient use of our housing stock. We will meet all applicable statutory and legal requirements in relation to the form and use of tenancy agreements or terms of occupation
- Mutual exchange - We must support relevant tenants living in eligible housing to mutually exchange their homes.
Some of the ways we meet this standard include by:
- Letting our homes according to the local Choice Based Lettings scheme for that local authority area, ensuring homes are allocated to those most in need.
- Providing a tenancy sustainment service for our customers to empower and enable them to succeed in their tenancy.
- Offering a variety a tenures including social rent, affordable rent, supported housing, independent living, rent to buy and shared ownership.
- Managing an internal transfer list and being a member of the House Exchange initiative to help people who need a home which better meets their needs.
You can read more about this standard in this document from the Regulator of Social Housing: Tenancy Standard.
Related polices
Tenancy policy
pdf | 133Kb
Home move (allocations) policy
pdf | 112Kb
Voids policy
pdf | 251Kb
Rent to buy policy
pdf | 177Kb
Customer engagement groups monitoring performance against this standard
Customer Standards Group
Our newly-named Customer Standards Group replaces our former Customer Offer Panel and tracks how we're performing against the new consumer standards.
Working with senior leaders from across Irwell Valley Homes, they drill down into different areas of the organisation to hold us to account and help us understand where and how we can improve.
If you’re interested in joining the group, email or call 0300 561 1111.
Other ways we measure our performance against the standards
We measure how we are performing against the standards through:
- Data we collect which monitors our performance.
- Surveys we issue to customers after they’ve received a service from us – our ‘experience surveys’.
- Our annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey – this measures against the Regulator’s set of standards and the results are published in June each year. These survey customers’ thoughts about how we’re doing at that point in time, rather than following a service from us.
Executive Director responsible

Ceris Esplen, Executive Director (Customers)
Ceris is responsible for the strategic leadership of our customer portfolio, strategy and insight.