The outcomes we must achieve as part of this standard are:
- Fairness and respect - We must treat all tenants with fairness and respect.
- Diverse needs - We must take action to deliver fair access and equitable outcomes.
- Engagement with tenants – We must take customers' views into account when making decisions.
- Information about landlord services – We must communicate with tenants and provide information so they can use our services, understand what to expect from their us, and hold us to account.
- Performance information - We must collect and provide information to tenants to support effective scrutiny by customers of our performance in delivering landlord services.
- Complaints - We must ensure complaints are addressed fairly, effectively and promptly.
Some of the ways we meet this standard include by:
- Fostering an inclusive culture which puts dignity and respect at the heart of every interaction with our customers, and ensures we deliver fair and equitable services .
- Encouraging customers to use their insight and experiences in one of our customer groups or involvement initiatives, to help us shape our future direction and drive improvements.
- Sharing the standards customers can expect from the service charges they pay for on our website and providing clear explanations about how their rent is set in the annual letter they receive.
- Publishing our latest performance against the Consumer Standards here on our website.
- Producing an annual report outlining our impact and highlighting where we need to improve.
- Responding to stage 1 complaints within 10 days and stage 2 complaints within 20 days.
You can read more about this standard in this document from the Regulator of Social Housing: Transparency, influence and accountability standard.
Related polices
Compensation policy
pdf | 124Kb
Vexatious complaints policy
pdf | 138Kb
Income management policy
pdf | 110Kb
Complaints Policy
pdf | 288Kb
Customer engagement groups monitoring performance against this standard
Resident Scrutiny Panel
Our Resident Scrutiny Panel is a team of customers who review our services and make recommendations for how we can improve. Each year, the group decides what services they want to review and agree this with our Board of Management. They do a thorough review of the service - speaking to colleagues and customers and reviewing performance information. before reporting their recommendations back to the board.
Customer Standards Group
Our newly-named Customer Standards Group replaces our former Customer Offer Panel and tracks how we're performing against the new consumer standards.
Working with senior leaders from across Irwell Valley Homes, they drill down into different areas of the organisation to hold us to account and help us understand where and how we can improve.
Communications group
Our communications group provides feedback on the content and design of the materials we produce for our customers to ensure they are professional, friendly, easy to understand and inclusive.
If you’re interested in joining any of these groups email or call 0300 561 1111.
Other ways we measure our performance against the standards
We measure how we are performing against the standards through:
- Data we collect which monitors our performance.
- Surveys we issue to customers after they’ve received a service from us – our ‘experience surveys’.
- Our annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey – this measures against the Regulator’s set of standards and the results are published in June each year. These survey customers’ thoughts about how we’re doing at the time of the survey, rather than following a service from us.
Executive Director responsible
Ceris Esplen, Executive Director (Customers)
Ceris is responsible for the strategic leadership of our customer portfolio, strategy and insight.