Blue flame from a gas cooker

British Gas Energy Trust 

No matter which energy supplier you are with, if you are struggling with your bills British Gas Energy Trust may be able to help. IncomeMax, a social enterprise funded by the Trust, has produced the ‘Bounce Back Checklist’ that details benefits, grants and organisations that can help, whatever your circumstances.

Government support with energy bills

A woman holding her radiator to test the temperature

Check with your energy supplier to see if you are eligible for the Warm Homes Discount. This is a one-off £150 discount from the Government to help people living on a low income or pension over the winter months.

You can get the discount if you have pre-pay or pay-as-you-go meters too and it does not affect your winter fuel payment or cold weather payment.  

A woman in cosy socks with a cup of tea reading a book

You may be eligible for Cold Weather Payments if you receive certain benefits. You will receive a payment if the average temperature in your area is recorded or forecast to be 0 degrees celsius or below over 7 consecutive days.

You could get £25 for each 7-day period of very cold weather between 1st November and 31st March. Check if your eligible and find out how to claim here

A woman checking her meter

The Winter Fuel Payment is now means tested, meaning households will no longer be entitled to the Winter Fuel Payment unless they receive Pension Credit or certain other means-tested benefits. If you are eligible, you could get between £250 and £600 to help you pay your heating bills during the winter months. 

To see if you're eligible to receive pension credit and thereby receive the Winter Fuel Payment, please click here.

A couple analysing a piece of paper with the calculator

Your local council’s welfare support fund or Household Support Fund may also provide financial assistance with energy bills.

See the support available in your area here.

The Priority Services Register

The Priority Services Register is a free support service to help people in vulnerable situations, offered by energy suppliers and network operators.

You are eligible for the register if you:

  • have reached your state pension age
  • are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
  • are recovering from an injury
  • have a hearing or sight condition
  • have a mental health condition
  • are pregnant or have young children
  • have extra communication needs (such as if you don’t speak or read English well).

You might still be able to register for other reasons if your situation isn’t listed. For example, if you need short-term support after a stay in hospital.

To get on the register, contact your supplier or operator. Being on the register offers extra support and security, including:

  • Advance notice of planned power cuts. If you rely on your energy supply for medical reasons your network operator can tell you about planned power cuts. For example, when they plan engineering work.
  • Priority support in an emergency. Network operators could provide heating and cooking facilities if you are cut off supply.
  • Identification and password scheme. This way you can feel confident callers are genuine.
  • Nominee scheme. You can nominate someone to receive communications and bills from your supplier. For example, a family member, carer or someone you trust.
  • Help with prepayment meter access. For example, moving a meter if you can’t safely get to it to top up.
  • Regular meter reading services. For example, if nobody can read your meter.
  • Accessible information. For example, account info and bills in large print or braille.

For more information, click here.

Help from the United Utilities Trust

If you're struggling to meet the costs of your water bills and are a United Utilities customer, you can apply to United Utilities for help.

Click here for the application form.

They also run the United Utilities Trust Fund, an independent grant making trust, committed to helping people out of poverty and debt.

To access support or click here to apply online or call them free on 0300 790 6172 .

A persons hand adjusting the thermostat

Energy saving tips

Using the same energy provider for both your electricity and gas could save you money with some energy providers. You can also get further discounts with some energy providers by paying for your fuel by direct debit and managing your account online. If you are on a pre-payment meter you may not be able to switch energy supplier unless they have a modern meter fitted. Companies are required to do this for free.

Heating and hot water

Heating and hot water charges make up more than half your energy bill. Make sure you’re only using what you need.

  • Set your room thermostats

    This will turn the heating off once the room reaches your chosen temperature and turn it on when it dips below it. This stops your heating system from using more energy than it needs.

  • Keep radiators clear

    This lets warm air flow around the room so your boiler doesn’t have to work as hard. And avoid drying clothes on radiators – it lowers the room temperature which makes your boiler work harder. It will also help to reduce condensation and mould.

  • Use your radiator valves

    Use them to control the temperature of your radiators and turn down the heat in rooms you’re not using.

We're here to help

If you need a hand getting to grips with your heating system our gas engineers are here to help. We can set it up to run efficiently and explain how to use it efficiently. Contact us and we’ll get back in touch.

Extra support from you local authority

Get support with your energy bills through your local authority’s welfare support fund or Household Support Fund.

Click here to go to the local support section of the website.