List all the money you have coming in each month. You can use the sheet here to help you do this.

As well as listing big outgoings such as rent and utility bills, think about smaller costs that can add up throughout the week.
List the exact amounts and don’t round these up or down as it will affect the overall amount.

Put your total income into a calculator and take away your total spend.
Hopefully you should see you have some money left over.
If you don’t, you’ll need to review what you spend to see if and where you can cut your costs.

If you have debts you will need to prioritise these and make sure that you have money left over each month to pay these off.
For more help and advice with debt, check out the specialist agencies who might be able to help here.
We're here to help
If you are struggling to pay your household bills, including your rent, please contact us – we’re here to help.