• Graphic image of our hourly pay

    The gender pay gap is the percentage difference between the average hourly earnings of female and male colleagues.

    Our Gender Pay Gap

    At  Irwell Valley Homes, women earn £1.05 for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly pay. Their median hourly pay is 4.8% higher than men’s. 

  • Pink and Blue bar graph showing the quarterly pay rates

    Our Gender Pay Gap

    Women occupy 54.2% of the highest paid jobs and 52.8% of the lowest-paid jobs. These pay quarters show the percentage of male and female colleagues in four equal-sized groups based on their hourly pay.


    As an organisation, we are proud to demonstrate that there are no barriers for women here; 100% of our Strategic Leadership Team and 67% of our Leadership team are women. 

  • A blue and yellow bar graph showing the mean and median

    Mean and Median pay gap

    Our Ethnicity Pay Gap

    The ethnicity pay gap is the percentage difference between the average hourly earnings for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees compared to white colleagues. 

    We have generated our ethnicity pay gap for the first time in 2021.  The data was pulled on 5th April. 


    The mean and median pay gaps of 12% and 6.4% respectively show that white colleagues are paid more on average than BAME colleagues within the organisation. 

  • Graph of the different pays shown by yellow and blue bars

    Overall Mean and Median pay gap

    Our Ethnicity Pay Gap

    To provide context the chart to the right shows the mean and median hourly rates of BAME and white colleagues.