We measure how we are performing against the Consumer Standards and Tenant Satisfaction Measures through:

  • Feedback from customers after they’ve received a service from us – our ‘experience surveys’. We report on these every three months. Our Customer Standards Group helped us to develop these surveys.
  • Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM). This is a regulatory requirement and combines annual performance information and the results of our annual perception survey.
  • Other performance information that we report on every three months.
  • Customers on our Customers Standards Group review this performance information every three months and hold us to account.

Below you will find:

  • Performance data. This includes the latest data from April to June 2024, as well as annual data we collected as part of the TSMs for 2023/24.
  • The latest ‘experience survey’ results from April to June 2024.
  • The results of our annual TSM perception survey for 2023/24. We contacted customers via email and telephone in July and December 2023, receiving 1,216 responses. This equates to 18% of our customers.

Overall satisfaction with Irwell Valley Homes April to June 2024

77 %

A like-for-like comparison on the previous quarter is not possible, as we have changed the format of our experience surveys to match the TSMs. Between January and March 2024 customers who received a service from us scored us 4.2 out of 5 for their overall satisfaction with us as a landlord.

In the annual TSM satisfaction survey for 2023/24, 64% of customers were satisfied.

IVH Listing Vector TSM (1)

How we performed against the safety and quality standard

Performance data: April to June 2024

Emergency repairs

90 %

Emergency repairs completed within the target timeframe.

Non-emergency repairs

72 %

Non-emergency repairs completed within the target time frame.


87 %

The percentage of repairs diagnosed and fixed on the first visit.

Home improvements completed


Including things like new kitchens, bathrooms and communal painting and decorating.

Customer experience survey results April - June 2024

We worked with our Customer Standards Group to re-design our experience surveys and these are the results of the first quarter they have been in use.

The surveys now ask for a satisfaction level in the same way as the TSM perception survey, rather than as a score out of 5.

The percentage of customers satisfied with the service

Responsive repairs

74 %

Gas repairs

90 %

Planned works/improvements

67 %
Satisfaction with time taken from first report to visit 70 %

Annual performance against the TSMs 2023/24


Annual performance 2023/24

Emergency repairs completed in target timeframe*


Non-emergency repairs completed in target timeframe**



Homes for which gas safety checks have been completed.


Homes for which fire risk assessments have been completed.


Homes for which asbestos surveys and inspections have been completed.


Homes for which legionella risk assessments have been completed.


Buildings for which lift safety checks have been completed.


Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard


Customers feel we provide a home which is safe.


Customers' satisfaction with overall repairs service over last 12 months.


Customers feel their home is well-maintained.



Customers' satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair.



*within 24 hours.

**within 40 days.

How we’re working to improve:

  • Increasing investment in the repairs service to improve waiting times.
  • Developing automated communications to customers about their repairs to keep them informed.
  • Gathering more data about our homes to help us plan and prioritise improvements to our homes.
Scott T

A decent and safe home is our number one priority. We have seen a huge increase in the number of repairs reported to us and this is having an impact on how long customers are having to wait. We are working hard to bring waiting times down and are confident customers will start to see an improvement over the summer.

Scott Murray, Executive Director (Homes)
IVH Listing Vector TSM2 (1)

How we performed against the transparency, influence and accountability standard

Performance data: January - March 2024


Number of complaints received

92.7 %

Proportion of complaints dealt with within required timescales.

How involved customers shaped our work January - March 2024

Customer groups

We met with customers on the following groups between January and March: Resident Scrutiny Panel; Customer Standards Group; Building Safety Group and established tenants and residents associations in our communities.

A member of the Resident Scrutiny Panel (RSP) was successful in being co-opted onto the Board of Management. 

Resident Scrutiny Panel reviews

At the end of 2023, RSP completed their review into Damp & Mould, submitting 14 recommendations. All 14 recommendations were actioned between January and March 2024.

In April, the RSP review into Anti-Social Behaviour concluded, submitting 2 commendations and 10 recommendations.

Customer Standards Group

We worked with our Customer Standards Group to review our customer experience surveys. These began in April and should provide new data and learnings to help us improve.

Building Safety Group

We worked with our Building Safety Group and consulted with residents of our high-rise buildings to create Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategies for each of our five high-rise buildings. You can read these here.


We gained customer insight and feedback on seven policies, including the introduction of a new digital recordings policy.


We recruited 5 new involved customers between January and March.

Customer Communications Group

Our Customer Communications Group provided feedback on the letters we send out in February about our rent and service charges for 2024/25 for some tenures including leasehold, shared owners and affordable rent.

Annual performance against the TSMs 2023/24


Annual performance 2023/24

Number of stage 1 complaints per 1,000 homes. 


Number of stage 2 complaints per 1,000 homes. 


Proportion of stage 1 complaints responded to within Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code Time (10 days).


Proportion of stage 2 complaints responded to within Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code Time (20 days).


Customers feel we treat them fairly and with respect.


Customers feel we keep them informed about things that matter to them. 68%

Customers feel we listen to their views and act on them.


Customers' satisfaction with complaint handling.


How we’re working to improve:

  • Establishing a new complaints team and process with a renewed focus on investigating themes and trends and embedding learning to improve services.
  • Re-launching our Customer Offer Panel as the Customer Standards Group in April. They will closely monitor our performance against the new standards – reporting into our leadership team and board of management every three months.
Ceris T

We listen to customers and work with them to help us shape our services. We know that customers are best-placed to help us understand what’s going well and what we need to continue, as well as where there are issues and we need to improve. All customers have valuable experiences to share - please get in touch if you’re interested in getting involved.

Ceris Esplen, Executive Director (Customers)
IVH Listing Vector TSM3 (1)

How we performed against the neighbourhood and community standard.

Performance data: January - March 2024


£ 9833

We spent £9833 clearing fly-tipped rubbish.



We cleaned 10 incidents of graffiti.

Other neighbourhood and community highlights January - March 2024

Our new grounds maintenance provider began work across our neighbourhoods. Customers were involved in the tender process, working to secure the best value for money for residents.

We finalised a new Neighbourhood Champions initiative, where customers are encouraged and incentivised to get involved to help us monitor the standard of grounds maintenance and communal cleaning. Check out your April newsletter through your door or click here for more information about this.

We published our programme of neighbourhood inspections on our website here and shared these with customers in our community newsletters, encouraging residents to join us.

We also hosted community events across our neighbourhoods, including a jobs fair hosted by our Oasis Community Resource Centre in Haughton Green; a programme of Easter themed events in Bolton and free school meals from our Sunshine Community Café in Trafford.

Annual performance against the TSMs 2023/24


Annual performance 2023/24

Number of anti-social behaviour cases opened per 1,000 homes.


Number of anti-social behaviour cases opened that involved hate incidents per 1,000 homes.


Customers' satisfaction with approach to handling anti-social behaviour.


Customers feel we make a positive contribution to their neighbourhood.


Customers' satisfaction with cleaning and maintenance of communal areas.


How we’re working to improve:

  • Implementing the recommendations of the Resident Scrutiny Panel’s anti-social behaviour review and a new ASB policy and procedure.
  • Joining a new ASB best-practice service which provides regular updates, resources and training.
  • Recruiting Neighbourhood Champions to help us monitor the standards of our cleaning and grounds maintenance services and hold our contractors to account.
  • Improving our approach to tackling fly tipping, rubbish, and bin areas.
Ceris T

We are committed to working together with our customers and partners in the neighbourhoods we serve to make sure that everyone can live well in their home and community.

Ceris Esplen, Executive Director (Customers)
IVH Listing Vector TSM4 (1)

How we performed against the tenancy standard

Performance data: January - March 2024

Relet time


The average time taken in days to re-let a home when it became available.

Support with debt

41 %

The percentage of customers in arrears who we're supporting to reduce their debt.

Customer experience survey results: January - March 2024

Satisfaction with new home


New customers who moved into one of our homes scored the condition of their home 4.4 out of 5 – an increase of 0.4 on the previous quarter.

Satisfaction with lettings process


New customers scored the lettings process 4.1 out of 5, a decrease of 0.1 on the previous quarter.

Tenancy support


Customer satisfaction with the service provided by our Tenancy Sustainment Team, scored out of 5.

How we’re working to improve:

  • Launching a project to match customers on our own transfer list with others also looking for an exchange.
  • Hosting community events in our neighbourhoods to raise awareness of mutual exchanges and the House Exchange national database to support customers into homes which better suit their needs.
  • Dedicating one of our Tenancy Sustainment Coaches to support new tenancies, ensuring customers with complex needs receive the support they need to succeed in their new home.
Ceris T

Everyone deserves a safe and decent place they can call home. We're providing affordable homes for those most in need, and ensuring our existing customers are in homes which meet their needs.

Ceris Esplen, Executive Director (Customers)

You can also view the full list of our TSM results for 2023/24  here.