Apply for an Enhancing and Supporting Communities grant

Please complete all sections so that we can understand why you are applying for the grant, what you plan on doing with it, and how an Irwell Valley Homes community will benefit. Please read the funding criteria to help you with your application.  


Apply today

This is the name of group, project, event or activity you applying for a grant for. Not your personal name.
Please tell us about the project/ activity/ event • how it came about • who will be involved • what you hope to achieve
The maximum you can apply for is £10,000
Please list every item and detail how much it costs i.e. 100 printed leaflets = £35, 10 plant pots = £20
Please provide the details for the bank account which the money should be paid into. Please provide the names on the account, the account number and the sort code. * We can only pay the funding into a constituted bank account, not a personal account. This is a bank account used by community groups, clubs or societies. If you need to set up a constituted bank account, most high street banks can help. You will be asked for proof that your group is a voluntary, non-profit-making organisation and not a private business, and you will need more than one person to be named on the account. You will need to take ID when you open the account do and everyone named on the account as a signatory will need to be there in person. If you need more information on this, please contact us and we will be happy to tell you more.
I/we confirm that the information contained in this application is correct and that I/we are authorised by the organisation to accept these conditions on their behalf. If successful, I/we will not use the grant for any other purpose than that specified on the grant award letter without first contacting the Irwell Valley Foundation to seek authorisation. I/we accept that I/we may be asked to return this grant should the Irwell Valley Foundation deem the evidence for our project spend provided in our evaluation form unsatisfactory. This will also apply if we discover that money has been spent on items not specified in the original application form and grant offer letter. I/We will inform the Irwell Valley Foundation immediately if the main contact leaves the organisation or can no longer fulfil their responsibilities, or if someone takes over responsibility for the grant on behalf of the organisation. I/we will provide all relevant monitoring and evaluation information and return all original receipts evidencing grant expenditure by the dates specified in the grant award letter. I/we will photocopy the receipts for our records. Originals will be kept on file by the Irwell Valley Foundation. I/we will complete an evaluation form and submit it by the specified date. I/we will highlight and support the Irwell Valley Foundation in all publicity material and send copies to the Irwell Valley Foundation at the end of the project/activity. I/we will print the Irwell Valley Foundation logo on all publicity material. I/we agree to take part in any publicity and promotion organised by Irwell Valley Foundation without any conditions. I/we agreed for the Irwell Valley Foundation and Irwell Valley Homes to use my/organisations name and photographs for promotional purposes if my/our request for funding is successful. *
This should be the name of the person submitting the application, not the name of a community group.
If this applies, please provide the full name of the parent or guardian.

If you need any help completing the form, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to help. Email or call us on 0300 561 1111