It's also where we'll share the latest feedback about life in this area - highlighting what's going well, where we need to improve and what we're doing to achieve this.
Haughton Green is the first of our Community Plans - we'll be adding others to cover all the neighbourhoods where we have homes over the coming weeks and months. So watch this space for more updates soon!
“I am quite happy with the area I live”
of residents feel their home supports their needs.
repairs here completed first time.
of people feel the area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together.
customer satisfaction with the neighbourhood.
of people feel connected to the community.
Local issues and what we're doing to improve
60% of residents acknowledged issues with anti-social behaviour.
If there are concerns you need support with, you can read more on our ASB page here.
In July, our Courtney, your Community Co-ordinator, hosted a multi-agency ASB drop-in event at the Oasis Community Resource Centre.
Customers were able to call by and share their concerns with us, the local police and officers from Tameside Council.
We will share further updates and actions following this meeting and the points raised in the near future.

61% of customers told us in our recent survey that they don’t have the necessary adaptations to support them in their home.
We want to support our customers to live safely and comfortably in their homes and will work with them and the local authority to achieve this.
Find more information on how to apply here.

57% people recognised issues with untidy gardens.
This spring and summer we have been working with our grounds maintenance provider on an improvement plan for communal grounds and areas we are in charge of maintaining.
Good progress has been made and although some areas of grass cutting are slightly behind schedule due to the recent wet weather, plans are underway to catch up.

76% of customers acknowledged issues with litter and fly tipping.
To find out more abour approach to fly-tipping and how we are working to tackle this problem, please click here.

Customers were interested in accessing services across a range of different themes, including health and wellbeing; skills and training; and meeting others, as well as activities aimed at young people.
You can read more about relevant activities and events taking place in your neighbourhood below.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Jobcentre 10am-12:30pm |
Jobcentre 10am-12:30pm |
Jobcentre 10am-4:30pm |
Jobcentre 10am-4:30pm |
10am-12pm- Postnatal Group Oasis Centre |
Citizen's Advice Bureau-10am-1:30pm |
Toddler Talk- 10am-10:45am |
Arts for Health- Monday 1-3pm- |
National Careers- 10am- 3:30pm |
Fresh Start Club- |
Baby Group 11am-12pm |
Magical Memories- 1pm-3pm |
Tameside in Work- 10am-2pm |
Minds Matter 1-4pm |
Carers Wellbeing Support- 1pm-3pm |
Change Grow Live (drop in- fortnightly) |
Change Grow Live (appointments) |
The Dance Gallery 5pm-7pm |
The Dance Gallery 6pm-9pm |
The Dance Gallery 5-8pm |
Bowling- Training Session-6:30pm-8pm |
The Dance Gallery 6pm-8pm |
Bootcamp 8-9pm |
Young Peoples Community Session- 6-8pm |
Zumba- 7-8pm |
Bootcamp 7-8pm |
Zumba- 7-8pm |
Dog Training Club 8-10pm |
Type 1 diabetes support group (1st Friday of the month only) |
Friday Night Runners- 6:30pm |
You can also find out more information about local support services and other useful contacts on our Tameside Local Support page here.
I love living close to the woods, the wildlife, parks, village shops, good people, feeling safe here.